February 17, 2025

Loreta Tonrey

Joyful Memories

Ten Tips For Full-Time Travelers


When I was younger, my parents took me on a trip to the beach. They packed my sister and I up in our car and drove us there for a week. As soon as we arrived, they told us that we could go anywhere we wanted as long as it was within walking distance from our hotel room! We spent most of our days exploring new places—we even found an abandoned amusement park! But despite all the fun we had exploring this new city, at some point in the week my mom came back from shopping with a suitcase full of presents for us. That’s when it hit me: “Wait a minute… why didn’t you just buy these things before we left?” Well, it turns out there are lots of reasons why people don’t do this! Some people simply enjoy going on vacation without planning anything ahead; others like having everything ready-to-go when they arrive at their destination; but some even prefer having only one bag that they can take with them wherever they go (and then leave behind once they get there). If you’ve ever wondered how traveling full time works or what it takes to make this lifestyle work for yourself then read on because I’m going to tell you everything you need know about how to do just that!

Don’t be afraid of the unknown.

Traveling is all about the unknown. You will be surprised at how much you can handle, and you’ll learn a lot about yourself and your own boundaries. You will meet new people and make new friends, who may also be traveling or living in that city/country/region. You will see new places that you’ve never seen before!

Research your destinations, but don’t be afraid to explore.

You can’t know what you’ll like until you try it, so don’t be afraid to explore your destinations. Whether that means asking for help or trying new things, don’t be afraid to get lost. You’re going to have fun no matter what!

Keep a travel journal.

Keeping a travel journal is the best way to document your trip and reflect on what you learned. It can be as simple as writing down a list of things you want to do, places you want to visit and experiences that stand out in your mind. You might also consider keeping track of what works for you and what doesn’t when it comes to packing, planning itineraries or choosing accommodations.

When it comes time for reflection at the end of your journey (or even while still traveling), revisit this list and write down how successful each item was in meeting its goals: Did I get up close with wildlife? Did I make friends with locals? Was there anything else I’d like more practice doing before my next adventure?

Be open-minded and try new things.

  • Be open-minded and try new things.
  • Try a new food, activity or language every day.
  • Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

Don’t overpack.

Don’t overpack. This should be a no-brainer, but I’ve seen many people who have packed way too much stuff for their trip, and it makes me cringe. You will have to carry your bags everywhere you go, so don’t bring anything that doesn’t serve a purpose or bring back memories of the experience itself. If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether or not something should come along on your trip, leave it at home!

You can always buy things when you get there–it’s part of the adventure! And if staying in hostels is part of your style while traveling full-time (and let’s face it: it probably should be), then sharing one room with 5 other people is going to happen anyway–so why not just pack light?

Get an international SIM card and travel insurance.

There are many benefits to traveling with a phone. You can use it to stay in touch with your family and friends, check the weather, search for places to go and things to do, find directions and more!

However, there are also some downsides. First of all, it’s expensive! Second of all (and most importantly), if something happens while you’re out exploring the world — an injury or illness — then having access to health care could make all the difference between recovering quickly or not at all.

This is where travel insurance comes into play: It provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses so that if something does happen while traveling full-time we’ll be protected financially as well as medically.

Stay in hostels, or other affordable accommodations.

If you’re looking for a place to stay that’s affordable and social, hostels are a great option. The price point is usually less than what you’d pay at a hotel and the amenities can include everything from laundry facilities and wifi access to kitchen space and communal rooms where travelers gather.

Hostels are also often located in the center of town–making them easy to get around by walking or taking public transportation (if available). However, if you’re concerned about noise levels in your room or other guests being too loud at night then it may not be right for you. Earplugs are essential!

Create a routine, but also allow yourself flexibility.

It’s important to create a routine for yourself, but also be flexible. You never know what opportunities will arise, and being open to new experiences and people is part of the adventure.

As a traveler, you should always be prepared for the unexpected. Here are some examples:

  • You could meet someone who invites you into their home for dinner or drinks.
  • Your flight might get canceled due to weather conditions or technical difficulties–and then rebooked on another airline (or even another day).
  • You could find yourself stranded somewhere without any money because your credit card wasn’t accepted at an ATM machine that was supposed to take foreign bank cards (this happened!).

Explore cultures, language, and food!

There is a lot to learn about a new culture. You can read about it, watch documentaries and even travel to the country in question, but nothing will give you as much insight into their culture as getting out there and experiencing it firsthand.

Language is also an important part of this process; if you want to truly understand someone’s life and how they live it, then learning their language is essential! The more languages you know the better – this will help open up many doors for you as well as allow you to make friends with people who might otherwise have been closed off from outsiders (such as those living in remote areas).

Food is another great way for travelers who are not native speakers/speakers of English (or whatever language) can experience another country’s cuisine without having any difficulty communicating with locals because food often transcends language barriers!

Plan ahead, but leave room for spontaneity.

While it’s important to plan ahead, you should also allow room for spontaneity. Planning ahead allows you to maximize your time and money while minimizing stress. It also helps ensure that you won’t miss out on anything because of unforeseen circumstances or bad luck.

There are a few things that can be planned ahead: hotels, transportation methods, activities/tours/excursions etc. But there are also many things that will inevitably arise during your trip where planning ahead won’t help much – like weather conditions or traffic jams which can make all the difference in how much fun a day has been (or not). For example: If it rains on one day but not another during your stay at an outdoor activity center–you’ll have more fun if there’s no rain!

Traveling full time is an adventure you’ll never forget

Traveling full time is an adventure you’ll never forget. You’ll meet new people, learn new things, see new places and gain skills that will stay with you forever.

If this sounds like something that would interest you then here are ten tips for traveling full time:


I hope these tips have given you some inspiration to start planning your own full-time travel adventure. Traveling has changed my life in so many ways, and I know it can do the same for you! There’s no better way to learn about yourself and the world than by exploring new places and meeting new people every day.